Petra Wega- Raus aus den Klamotten 12. Ms. Lecker had KFZ-Albrecht remove dents from her car. She couldn’t pay. Now the good girl has to take out the bulges herself…
Petra WegaRaus aus den Klamotten 11. Mrs. Wust is in debt to the gardener Blomberg. It only helps to fertilize his little tree vigorously in order to pay off the…
Klamotten Runter Schwanz Rein. The title pretty much sums up the action in this German classic pretty much perfectly. After all, theres little time for niceties here; as each and…
Petra Wegat: Raus aus den Klamotten 8 Wirtschaftskrise, Lohnkürzungen und verlockende Finanzierungsangebote führen Deutschland zu immer grösseren Schuldenbergen. Zum Glück gibt es Petra Wegat…